

$69.95 $49.95

FLORASPRING is a potent natural fat burner supplement blend designed to burn fat, increase energy levels, and suppress your appetite. FLORASPRING's Thermogenic Agent Matrix helps to send your metabolism into hyperdrive, burn extra calories, and torch body fat.

Skyrocket Your Metabolic Rate, Long Term

  • Force Your Body to Produce Belly-Fat Blasting BAT
  • Mobilize Your Fat Cells, Then Incinerate Them
  • Helps Improve Waist-to-Hip Ratio
  • Increased Energy, Zero Jitters
  • Suppress Your Appetite Naturally
  • More Potent Blend Than Burn Evolved
ATTENTION: If You’re Struggling to Lose Weight with Diet Alone, Or You Need an Unfair Advantage to Melt That Last Layer of Fat, a New Scientific Breakthrough Will Help You QUICKLY and EASILY   Turn Your Body Into a Fat-Melting Machine

Introducing the Lightning-Fast, Ultra-Easy Way to Unlock Your Body’s Hidden Triple-Thermogenic Powers

Force Your Body to Torch Stubborn Body Fat From the Inside-Out, Destroying Your Fat Cells on Three Essential Levels for Guaranteed Rapid Results

Losing fat ain’t easy…

If you’ve been trying to lose a lot of weight, have tried other supplements like Burn Evolved, or if you’re trying to get rid of that last layer of stubborn fat, you know that burning fat without losing hard-earned lean muscle can feel almost impossible.

  • Wait, isn’t it just as simple as eating less calories and running more?

Oh, if only it were that easy!

The truth is, it doesn’t matter if you’re a woman trying to burn belly fat…

Or a guy with a lot of weight to drop…

Or an experienced athlete who wants to get truly ripped…

The reality is, the ability to burn body fat without losing precious, lean, toned muscle is flat-out difficult.

For decades, it was almost impossible for most people.

Until now…

Introducing the Key to Unlocking the Triple-Layered Lava Assault on Your Body Fat

Diet and exercise are important. You must follow a diet plan that works with your body if you want long-lasting results.

The problem?

Diet and exercise alone are simply not enough… unless you’re one of those lucky, genetically-gifted people who can lose weight while eating whatever they want...

Frankly, if getting lean were as simple as cutting calories, there wouldn’t be a whopping 95% failure rate for dieters.

The truth is,

to incinerate your body fat fast, and keep it off forever, you must unlock your body’s natural fat-burning abilities.


By unleashing three powerful cascades of lava-like, fat-burning power INSIDE your body

Revival Point's Floraspring, the evolved Probiotic, goes light-years beyond the simple calorie burning that old-style fat burners promised…

Floraspring severs the chains that hold back your body’s fat-melting powers, and helps your body destroy fat cells on three essential levels:

1. Force Your Body to Produce the Coveted BAT

  • BAT stands for Brown Adipose Tissue.
  • Wait, Floraspring makes your body produce fat?
  • Don’t worry, Brown fat is the Holy Grail of fat-melting power.
  • Most of our body fat is white. It’s unhealthy, useless, and cold.
  • Brown adipose tissue, however, is blazing hot.
  • In fact, BAT’s entire purpose is thermoregulation.

When you force your body to produce more BAT, it can actually infiltrate your unwanted body fat cells and begin burning fat from the inside-out.

  • See, when we’re children, our bodies are loaded with BAT. It’s essential because it actually BURNS white fat as we grow.
  • Without BAT, large deposits of fat can easily set in...
  • For decades, scientists believed that only children and the genetically gifted were blessed with BAT.
  • However, new scientific breakthroughs show that you can help your body produce BAT at any age.
The trick?

You have to consume essential nutrients that lead to the production of fat-busting BAT.

Floraspring is loaded with those nutrients…

2. Elevate Your Metabolic Rate

If you want to slash fat fast, and keep it off, you must increase your metabolic rate.

We’re not talking about simple calorie burning.

Increasing your metabolic rate means you are actually boosting your body’s long-term ability to melt fat for fuel.

Adding more BAT burns fat internally, but Floraspring’s other all-star thermogenics will stoke your body’s fat-burning furnace, cranking it up, and clamping it on high so you burn fat continually.

3. Rip Fat From Your Cells

Floraspring helps send your metabolic rate soaring… Now it’s time to free the fat trapped within your cells.

Floraspring's thermogenic agents reach into your cells and rip the fat right out.

  • See, the problem with old-style, ineffective fat burners, like Burn Evolved, is that they simply burn a few calories, and any fat that is mobilized is left in your blood. After a day or so, that fat finds a new home somewhere else on your body!

With Floraspring,

once that body fat is freed, it’s launched into your bloodstream to be incinerated and used as energy.

This means those fat cells are annihilated, and can not simply resettle in another part of your body.

Ingredients and Dosage

Research-backed ingredients provided in their proper doses.*

Meet Floraspring’s
All-Star Thermogenics Team

Lactobacillus Acidophillus

  • Could Help Reduce Your Waist-to-Hip Ratio (a studying using just a fraction of the Capismax dose found in Floraspring lead to significant improvement in waist-to-hip ratio… an essential factor in helping you beating belly fat and shrinking love handles)
  • Increases Metabolic Rate & Energy Expenditure (Capsimax helps boost your metabolism while helping you burn more calories during your workouts)
  • Natural Appetite Suppressor (one study showed Capsimax helps reduce your appetite and can even lower your perceived need to snack)

Lactobacillus Fermentum

  • Boost Lipolysis (taking Yohimbine pre-workout may increase your body’s fat-burning abilities)
  • Significantly Decreases Body Fat(one study on athletes showed Yohimbine to be a potent body fat reducer)
  • Increase Serum Levels of Free Fatty Acids DURING & FOLLOWING Exercise (mobilizes the fat trapped in your cells so they can be used for energy)

Lactobacillus Gasseri

  • Activates & Increases Whole-Body Brown Adipose Tissue(a study on men showed that Grains of Paradise Seed Extract increased levels of brown adipose tissue, which could help you blowtorch body fat from the inside-out)
  • Blast Belly Fat (visceral fat buster)
  • Increases Energy Expenditure (extra fat burning without cutting extra calories)

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

  • Boost Energy Expenditure During and Post-Workout (burn more calories while you train, and maximize fat burning post-workout)
  • Ramps Up Resting Metabolic Rate (torch more calories even when you’re not working out)
  • Potent Appetite Suppressant (make dieting feel effortless)
  • Faster Fat Oxidation Rate (free up fat stored inside of your cells to be incinerated)
  • Burn More Fat, Longer(one study found that caffeine provides a significant thermogenic effect - that can continue for up to 3 hours)

Bifidobacterium Breve

  • Increases Fat Oxidation During Exercise AND While You’re at Rest (studies show a significant increase in the amount of fat your body can burn)
  • Helps Support Healthy Glucose Metabolism (keep your blood sugar levels under control to make losing fat easier)
  • Reduces BMI (one study found that after 8 weeks of EGCG supplementation, Body Mass Index was significantly decreased)
  • Boosts Antioxidant Levels (a study on overweight subjects showed that EGCG, in the form of Green Tea, helped boost levels of helpful antioxidants)
  • Revs Up Post-Meal Fat Burning(EGCG may help increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation for up to 2 hours after eating)

Floraspring is the Nuclear Bomb for Fat Loss. What are you waiting for?

If you’re not blown away by your rapid results, simply email us and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

Zero Risk.
Simply try Floraspring risk-free and enjoy jaw-dropping fat loss.

Choose Your Discount


Take Multiple Capsules Per Day to Boost Your Results

3 Bottle Supply

Retail Price: $237.00 You Pay Just $129.00


Just $43.00 Per Bottle




6 Bottle Supply

Retail Price: $474.00 You Pay Just $197.00


Just $32.83 Per Bottle




1 Bottle Supply

Retail Price: $69.95 You Pay Just $49.95


Just $49.95 Per Bottle

29% OFF + $6.95 USA Shipping


Floraspring Will Help You Torch Body Fat - Guaranteed


It’s clear that if you’re ready to finally melt fat easily and have the lean body you’ve always wanted, Floraspring will help you get there, fast.

Floraspring attacks your body fat from three essential pathways, and helps blast fat cells from the inside out.


We’re so confident that Floraspring will help your body fight fat on all three essential levels that we’re offering it to you with a 90 Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

How can we be so sure that Floraspring will work for you?

Simple - we test, and retest, every batch of Floraspring from beginning to end. Then, we use a third-party verification system to ensure that each and every dose of Floraspring meets label claims.

When you arm your body with a team of thermogenics as powerful as Floraspring, your fat cells won’t stand a chance...

If you’re not blown away by your rapid results, simply email us and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

Zero Risk.

Simply take Floraspring and enjoy jaw-dropping fat loss.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.